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5 More Things to Know about Blogging

Blogger Three:

Tediously prolonged writing is, well, tedious. It quickly leads to weariness and an inability to give a fig about what comes next. Bluntly, it prompts the sincere hope nothing comes next. Moreover, it dissipates any remaining interest in whatever preceded it. Point:

Write more if you must.

Include everything you know.

In this truth do trust.

I left a few paragraphs ago.

An absence of boldness may be no more than mere diffidence rooted in a lack of self-confidence and minimal faith in one’s creative capacity. It may stem from shyness and discomfort with self-assertion. It rarely is but also may be a simple matter of personal preference and a conscious desire to call no unnecessary attention to oneself. For writers, however, it more typically reflects a fear of rejection, ridicule, and rude gestures. Whatever the source, successful writers enthusiastically emulate Star Trek’s Captain Jean-Luc Picard as they “boldly go where no one has gone before.” Point:

You may be reticent and restrained.

Taciturnity is a perfect fit.

Such constraint must not be maintained.

Loosen up and get over it.

Great writers are concise and come quickly to the point. They write clearly and distinctly, boldly putting forth their views and opinions. They are neither tedious nor timid. Just as they do not hold back for fear of rejection or ridicule, they do not trample on the good will and sensitivities of their audience. They refrain from the unnecessary and unwarranted, avoid the gratuitous and hurtful, refuse the banal and trite. They cherish their unique voice and obsessively censor everything it says. Point:

Write each word with conscious intention.

Getting it right is an enviable knack.

Each word deserves careful attention.

Once published, you can’t take it back.