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Are You Charming or Merely Tedious?

Another charm guru, Albert Camus, instructed, “Charm is… a way of getting the answer yes without having asked any clear question.” Do people try to please you without your doing anything specific to prompt their behavior

If so, you may be charming.

Henry Van Dyke pointed out, “There is no personal charm so great as the charm of a cheerful temperament.” Are you usually cheerful and positive about people and life

If so, you may be charming.

Marissa Crow, author of The Friend Factory and The Yes Bank, also stepped up to the charm school podium, “You treat people the way you want to be treated. Are you nice to people when you want something

Sure you are. You’re also nice when you don’t want anything. You’re nice every chance you get… You’re also friendly. You speak to people you know and are interested in them. You talk with people and care about how they feel. Here’s your special secret. You take your good manners along everywhere you go.” Are you nice, are you friendly, do you take your good manners along everywhere you go

If so, you may be charming. And if not, you are, as Wilde observed, merely tedious.