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Foster Children And Learning Difficulties

20. They often do not understand assignments and what people expect.

The most likely reason for this is easy to miss. It is because the assignment or expectation was not clear. Maybe it was not explained in a way the child could easily understand. This is usually the trouble if the problem comes up mostly with one teacher or with another adult. If the problem often comes up with several people, something else is going on.

There are several possibilities. Put vision and hearing problems at the top of your list. Even if the teacher tells the child about the assignment, vision problems still need checked. Gestures, facial expressions, and other visual clues are important parts of listening and understanding. Even if the assignment was in writing, hearing is important. The teacher probably said something when giving the assignment. Other children may have made comments that could serve as clues. Any time a child has learning problems of any kind, have his hearing and vision tested. Note that whispering and talking quietly do not adequately test a child’s hearing. It is the same idea as simply looking at objects or pictures does not adequately test his vision.

Maybe he did not understand because he was not paying attention. This could be because he did not think the assignment was interesting or important. Maybe he figured he would screw it up anyway. Children with low self-esteem often think there is little point in trying.

Two other possibilities need some thought. He might have special problems paying attention. For example, he might have Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD). This condition was discussed before. Be sure the child is seen by a psychologist to check this out. The child will be tested for other problems at the same time.

The other possibility is harder to check. The assignment or what the teacher expects may be beyond the child’s learning and experience. He has not learned what he needs to know to understand the assignment. This may be because his education was neglected. He may have serious mental or emotional problems. He just may not have the needed ability.

Not understanding is complicated. Keep an open mind. You need to check out all the possibilities. Keep encouraging and supporting him while you check them out. The key is not to do anything he may read as blaming him. It is not his fault he does not understand. There is more to it than his being difficult and not cooperating.