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Foster Children And Problems Getting Along With Others

13. They only like activities they can do alone.

This can be near the end of the withdrawal road. This sign also may be seen in a child who never developed relationships with people. These children have their only relationships with things. They are sometimes seen as book-worms or, these days, computer nuts. Their only interest might be music, reading, television, or anything else where they do not have to deal with people.

Being clear about your goal is the key to helping your foster child. Your goal is not to get him to where he prefers people to his books and computers. It is only to get him to be a little more socially active.

Helping starts with your relationship with him. Show some interest in what he has read, in what he has learned to make his computer do, or in what he is watching on television. When he responds a little to your interest, feel good about your progress. Also, encourage him to tell others about his interests.

If you try increasing the time he spends with other children, don’t make the big mistake. What is that? People often try to match a withdrawn child with the most social and outgoing youngster they can find. A better match would be with a child who is almost as quiet and reserved as he is. No, they won’t bore each other to death. They also will not overwhelm each other.