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Foster Children And Problems Getting Along With Others

A quick parenting check:

How are you and your foster child getting along with each other? Think about this. It gets at the fit between you and the child.

The children placed with you have their own personalities, different backgrounds, and sometimes have very serious problems. The fit between you and them might not come quickly or easily. It helps to check the fit to see if it is working for you and the child.

Here is a quick check to see how the fit is between you and your foster child. Think about each question in this way. Is the answer almost always yes, usually yes, sometimes yes, seldom yes, or almost never yes?

1. Are you responsible and fair when disciplining your foster child?

2. Do you know what your foster child needs and what is important to him/her?

3. Can you get your foster child to cooperate with you without you getting frustrated or upset?

4. Do you spend time every day talking or playing with your foster child?

5. Does your foster child like to spend time with you?

6. Are you usually pleased with and proud of your foster child?

7. Do you know about and are you interested in your foster child’s activities?

8. Do you know about and are you helping with your foster child’s problems?

9. Do you set a good example for your foster child?

10. Do you give your foster child space to grow and learn on his/her own?

11. Are you interested in what your foster child thinks and feels about things?

12. Do you do all you can to support your foster child’s interests, activities, and goals?