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Foster Children And stress

6. They have upset stomachs.

Like headaches, a child’s upset stomach is probably caused by something other than stress. It may be from eating too much or eating something that disagreed with the child. A minor illness, needing to go to the bathroom, or not feeling well may be the cause. If the discomfort is not severe or continuing, rest, a little sympathy, and some personal space are usually right on target.

An upset stomach is more likely to be caused by stress than are headaches. When the sign is caused by stress, the child is up-tight and afraid about something or someone. Gently encouraging him to talk about what is wrong usually helps a lot.

If talking is not easy for him, try this. Say, “I’ll bet your stomach is telling us you are afraid or a little up-tight about something or someone. Does it have something to do with things here at home, or at school, or maybe with your friends?” If this does not work, try, “We can talk about what’s getting to you. Do you want to talk about your family?”

If this gets a response, listen but be careful not to pass judgement. Do not criticize the child or his family.