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My Special Moment

The prompt is, “In 500 years ….” Yesterday, I floundered some with the prompt and found myself commenting on exciting things like: 500 years on Earth is about the same as 2,075 Mercury years and 41 Jupiter years. I discovered today that that same 500 earth years add up to a mere 3 Neptune years.

By themselves, those likely facts are little more than curiosities for me. I’m glad I know but would have been fine not knowing. Even so, The floundering did prompt a little mind wondering.

I find myself wondering about time and what it does or does not matter in the scheme of things. I wasn’t 500 years ago and won’t be in 500 years. Even 100 years ago, I wasn’t, and am pretty sure that in 100 years I again won’t be. I don’t know how many years of being there is for me as does no one else. What I’m wondering is how much that matters in the scheme of things.

I studied philosophy as an undergraduate so well know that it would be easy to drift into ivery tower mode and start down rabbit holes that have no bottom. They all eventually find us speculating about the nature of the universe. Sure, they variously focus on this or that aspect of the universe but end up focusing on it they do. I enjoy that sort of speculation but am a bit more grounded today. I am just wondering about how much being here matters in the scheme of things for us in general and for me in particular.

I don’t think I’m merely experiencing some type of existential anxiety or uncertainty. The question I’m pondering is much less profound. What actually matters in the scheme of things; what does and does not make any difference? I’m sure that there are things on a big scale that matter, things that have the potential to shift the trajectory of humankind. Those are way outside my wheelhouse. I’ll leave them for now to the very few who have some say at that level. For now, I’m only attending to what does matter, what should make a difference to me and perhaps for you.

Let me see if I can get unstuck from that time thing. Looking ahead, 500 years is definitely way more than I can personalize, too far away for me to think my being today will have any effect one way or another. If I matter at all in the 500 year window, I sure hope the difference is more positive than negative. I would hate to think that I’m screwing something or someone up 500 years from now. I am good with committing to trying my best not to do that. Are you with me on that one?

I’m also good with taking a shorter look ahead. I definitely hope I’m not screwing something or someone up next year, or next week, or even later today. I’m good with trying not to do that. Are you with me on that?

Looking back does not work much better. If I am candid about it, I have probably already screwed up a few things; and as sad as it is, the same likely holds for my effect on a few people. I feel badly about that and would that it were otherwise. Are you with me on that one too?

Time has definitely compacted. Nonetheless, it is here for me right now. It has brought with it all the power and potential of the universe to this moment just for me. I am tempted to take my moment to luxuriate in knowing how special that makes me, but fear frittering away my special moment. I’m feeling an obligation to the universe not to misuse its gift. Fortunately or unfortunately, the best I can do is to do the best I can do to use my special moment wisely. I sincerely hope you are with me on that one as well.