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Pro Tips For Success

Success requires Persistence, Persistence, Persistence. You are committed to sticking to it. How long do you hang in? You hang in as long as it takes to succeed. You persist.

Success requires Practice, Practice, Practice. This is the key element separating you from the less successful. However talented, skilled, capable, clever, ingenious you are today, you can improve, can get better, can do better.

It’s simple. If you can do better, you do better, a day at a time, a month at a time, a year at a time. With your success, good enough is never good enough, since you know you can do even better.

Success requires Responsibility, Responsibility, Responsibility. The responsibility element is similarly uncomplicated. You do the right things right, the first time, on time, every time.

Success requires Imagination, Imagination, Imagination. The imagination element is where you may nod in agreement but miss the point.

It is pleasant to imagine yourself wildly successful and enjoying the perks of success. However, this type of imagining is potentially counterproductive. It distracts from your success agenda, from today, from the here-and-now.

Imagine yourself as more talented, more skilled, more capable, more clever, more ingenious. How much more? More than today. Concurrently, imagine strategies and approaches to get to more. Yes indeed. Concentrate on your success agenda, stick to your agenda, imagine ticking off the boxes on your path to success.

Success requires Determination, Determination, Determination. Another simple success element. You made up your mind to succeed and nothing less is acceptable. Your success is not a matter of If. The only variable is How soon.

Success requires Effort, Effort, Effort. This is where the game is lost for most. They weigh their current level of effort against the perceived likelihood of success and conclude they are falling short. They refuse to sustain their current effort and do not seriously contemplate an increase. Since your success is a foregone conclusion, your effort decision reduces to whatever it takes. You just do it.

Now you know so there you go on your way to success.