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The Aliens Amongst Us Reveal The Life Force Singularity

I will help you consider the first thread we need to discuss. It is the easiest to grock. Using your timeline paradigm, we have previously notified you of our intent to integrate into your midst so that we are indistinguishable from Earth humans. We have done that and thus have continuously communicated with you without your identifying the messaging as coming from us. You have heard our voices but assumed you were hearing from Earth human reporters, Earth human politicians, Earth human commentators, or other Earth-based sources. We disguised ourselves extremely well.

Unfortunately, other alien entities have also adopted the integration strategy and are promulgating their own messaging. They too disguise themselves and are as successful with their transparency as we are. One of the consequences of this is that when Earth humans hear what they think are legitimate Earth human sources of news, information and opinion, they have no way of knowing that the source may actually be alien to the Earth planet. We hope that you can grok this. Since you cannot tell whether what you are hearing, reading or seeing is of the Earth planet or alien to it, you should take nothing that purports to be legitimate news, information or opinion at its face value. We are strongly encouraging you to always be cautiously skeptical.

If I may, we would be remiss not to mention an additional dimension to the ongoing deception. Along with the alien element, there are Earth-based elements that intentionally introduce false and misleading content into the information flow. They disguise themselves as legitimate news sources, respected politicians, objective journalists, or as other trustworthy sources but are in reality the voices of elements intent on deception and manipulation for their own purposes. Appropriating an old Earth human saying, you are well advised to take whatever you hear, read or see with a very big grain of salt, no matter the source, including us.

The next cognitive thread we are encouraging you to consider is far less easily grocked. It requires temporary suspension of belief. In your mind’s eye, imagine a persistent reality that has no future and no past. Its only dimension is present. Any sense of past and future is but a shifting perspective within the ever-existing present. Can you grock that?

It similarly has no width, no length, no height. Any sense of direction or distance is but a shifting perspective within the immediate here. Can you grock that?

Within the persisting reality, there is but one all-inclusive consciousness. The illusion of many conscious and separate entities is but a shared delusion. Even so, it is a useful delusion. It permits the multitudinous aspects within the single consciousness to pursue their inherent purpose without also needing to assume the purposes inherent to all other aspects. It permits distributive intelligence and energy which together are the life force of our collective reality. We trust that you can grock that as well.

This leads to that counter-intuitive reality that we cautioned you about. There is a single life force which we all share, in which we all participate. It has no past or future but is only as we experience it now. It has no spatial dimension but exists here and nowhere else. The power in our single life force is no more than nor no less than the sum of our collective intelligence and energy. The source of that collective intelligence and energy may be left here for another discussion; but the single life force we share is the full scope of our immediate reality.

For many if not most humans of the Earth planet or those alien to it, being able to grock the singular nature of the life force is somewhere between difficult and impossible. To co-opt another one of those old Earth human sayings, therein lies the monkey wrench in the works. Failure to grock the life force singularity leads to actions, decisions, and choices antithetical to the prime directive of the universe: Nurture, cherish, protect, and support the continuation of the life force, for either the single life force is perpetually self-renewing, or it inevitably expires. Can you grock that?

Please let us shift from the points we hope you grock to the points we hope we now grock. We now realize that we were among many if not most humans for whom being able to grock the singular nature of the life force is somewhere between difficult and impossible. We quite simply didn’t grock it. We were among those who explicitly set out to deceive and mislead. We convinced ourselves that deceiving, and misleading were in the interests of everyone else; but our belief was no more than self-serving nonsense. Our interests in being transparent and not clearly identifiable was no more nor no less than an attempt to deceive and manipulate you. We wanted to convince you that we were other than we are and that you can believe us and trust whatever we say. We were faking it just to get you to go along.

We joined the ranks of biased journalists and self-dealing politicians who like to assure us that they only have the public interest and the welfare of all of us in their hearts. With this revelation uppermost for us, we are committed to a new transparency. We will always be clear that we are aliens amongst you and not Earth humans. We will always be clear that our advice, commentary and observations are in our interest in, commitment to, and our closely held belief in the single life force and in the need to protect, support and perpetuate that shared life force.

With the forgoing serving as our apology and disclaimer, we have one observation and a related suggestion for your consideration.

We note that it is election season in the America pod. There are elections in other pods, so this observation and related suggestion also applies to those pods. However, our current focus is limited to the America pod and its election season.

We have been watching the politicians in what is generally called campaigning. Their goal is to get the voters to vote for them. We would think that their roles would include protecting, supporting, and perpetuating the single life force to the benefit of everyone. We assumed that campaigning would attempt to convince the voters that the campaigning politician will do a better job at protecting, supporting and perpetuating than his or her opponent. To our surprise, that is far from the reality of election politics.

Instead, the politician’s pitch has mostly to do with, “Vote for me because I’m not my opponent.” “Vote for me because I’m not one of those uncaring people from the other party.” “Vote for me because I won’t support the bad to disastrous outcomes you will get if you vote for my opponent.”

This approach to campaigning is generally called negative campaigning. The notion of, “Vote for me because I’m not …” gets so negative and accusing that the politicians hope that the voter doesn’t notice that he or she never said anything about how they will do a better job protecting, supporting and perpetuating than his or her opponent or exactly what they will do differently. They never get around to telling the voter what they will do. Given that omission, there is no reason for the voter to be surprised about what the politician does or does not do once elected.

Our leader in the capital city is a masterful exception to the general rule. Of course, he campaigns negatively with enthusiasm. Additionally, he explicitly tells the voters what he will do, and then he tries really hard to do it. This is such a refreshing turn of events for a politician that no one barely notices that what he says he will do does little to nothing to protect, support and perpetuate the life force for all of us. His actions mostly benefit the functional majority while passing by the millions of adults and children who populate the dysfunctional minority. At the same time, he is to be given full respect and recognition for the few actions he has taken that clearly protect, support and perpetuate the life force for all of us. Oddly enough, those are mostly actions he never told us he was going to take while campaigning. He just slipped them in and thankful we are that he did.

We are here amongst you and have no plans to leave. From this broadcast going forth though, you will always know that what you hear from us is coming from us. We will not mislead or deceive. Please cherish and value our collective life force. It’s all we have or will ever have. Please listen carefully to those running for office and then vote for the person who has told you what he or she will do that you think will best protect, support and perpetuate our collective life force. In the meanwhile, be well, be safe, be cautiously skeptical, and keep this channel open for our next broadcast. We will return here the next time we have something we think is important enough to share personally with you. Now relax and listen to a brief musical interlude from the streaming service back on our home planet. We hope you enjoy it as much as we enjoy sharing it with you.