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They Will Teach You How To Lead

Understand problems and issues from other people’s points of view.

This technique goes nicely with listen and learn. Have you ever told someone about how a problem or issue looks from your point of view only to be told, I don’t see it that way. Let me tell you what the real issues are here.

What is the not so subtle message to you?

You’ve got this all wrong. It’s not that way at all. You are either stupid or out of touch with the real world. I am the source of all things right and will condescend to educate you.

You will never get that kind of demeaning approach from a proactive leader. First, such disrespect is just not a proactive leader’s style. More importantly, he knows by using that approach, he loses. Just as he gets most of his ideas from others, he also gets most of his insights and new perspectives from other people. How does he do that?

He listens and learns. He takes time to understand your perspective, to get your take on things. When he walks away, he has more of what he needs to lead.

He has what he knows and now has part of what you know too. It is only a matter of time until a proactive leader becomes brilliant, one conversation at a time.

Make sure a job can be done before holding anyone responsible for it.

Now there is a no-brainer for you. Who but an idiot would hold someone responsible for a job that cannot be done?
Alas my friend, if idiots could fly, many so called leaders would have their own airports. Have you ever seen a project fail and someone reflexively gets reprimanded or fired?

Never mind the project’s history of success was limited to visions in someone’s mind. It happens on a grand scale and in little situations, but expecting the impossible and holding someone accountable happens often and repeatedly.

It will not happen with you when you associate with a proactive leader though. You will be expected to try, to give it your best. You will not be held responsible for its not working out though, unless he can objectively confirm it was doable.

Be clear with people about what you expect.

This starts with being clear about whether you actually expect the job to be done. You may only expect the person to give it a try, work on it if there is time, or to do as much as interest and resources allow. Alternatively, you may expect the job to be done and done on time.

Do you expect the person to work alone or to get help?

Do you expect perfection or will just getting it done suffice today?

a proactive leader knows being clear about expectations is a touchstone of great leadership. If you are on his winning team, you will always be clear about what he expects. You will never have to wonder or have doubts about that.

Take time to be sure people understand how their jobs fit in with other jobs and activities.

a proactive leader does not go overboard here, but he does obsessively attend to one element of fitting in. With a proactive leader as your leader, you will always completely understand how what you do fits into the plan for the team to achieve its mission. You will know why you do what you do.

a proactive leader will also be sure you see how your job fits with other jobs that affect or are affected by yours. Although you may not see every necessary connection, knowing why your job is important is essential to your success and to the success of the team. People want their efforts to make a positive difference, and a proactive leader will make sure you do not doubt the value of your contribution.

Give people clear reasons and explanations whenever they ask for them.

Why is a question for which people want an answer that makes sense to them. If they do not get it, they will fill in their own answers. Having filled in the blank, they now have a do-it-yourself explanation for everything. People make sense of their environments, whether it has any relationship to reality or not. What is the result?

There are many, usually conflicting explanations for anything that happens and nearly as many for things that do not happen and are not going to happen. Therein lies the source of the old rumor mill.

Even a proactive leader cannot stop the rumor mill, as much as he would like to put it out of business. Gossip is a pastime to which people are addicted or at least seriously hooked. What he can do is be sure that anyone who is responsible enough to actually ask gets the straight scoop. That does not stop the rumor mill, but it does slow it down a little and can redirect it now and then. More importantly, if you bring your questions to a proactive leader, you will get the honesty and respect you deserve. Not to give you reasons and explanations when you ask for them would be unacceptable, from a proactive leader’s perspective.