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Your Intuitive Self

Alternatively, intuition may be understood as merely a sub-process within the broader context of thinking and understanding that leads to awareness and insight. Its distinction is neither mysterious nor magical. Rather, it is an absence of cognizance, existing outside of the Range or scope of what is known or perceived. We know but are not in touch with the process that resulted in knowing.

From this perspective, the activities and processes that lead to intuitive insight and understanding are the same as those that lead to any other knowledge and comprehension. The difference is whether we are aware of those activities and processes as they happen or can only infer their presence retrospectively. If we are aware of them in real time, we are thinking, judging, analyzing, and forming ideas and conclusions. If we are only aware of the outcome, the insight, the “sudden” knowledge, we are using our intuition.

Just as some people have more capacity for conscious, intentional thought and analysis, some people have more intuitive capacity. They process more information and analyze more complexly at a level below awareness. The point is that intuitive capacity varies from person to person and for each person under different circumstances. That notwithstanding, intuition is only a dimension of one’s cognitive capacity. Being highly intuitive is, of course, desirable just as having a high capacity for logical analysis or a high capacity for inductive reasoning are desirable. Functioning at a high level within any dimension is desirable. The point to keep in mind is that one’s composite capacity determines success and achievement and not any specific sub-component.

That brings us to this point. All of us have some intuitive capacity and we all make decisions and choices based on intuitive insight and understanding. Further, for most of us, our intuitive capacity is far more developed and potentially useful than we know. To the extent to which we are able to manage and exploit that intuitive capacity, we will be more effective, will make better decisions, will experience more accurate insight, will make the right choices more often, and will be more successful.

Whatever your level of intuitive capacity, use all you have, whenever you can, to whatever extent your experience tells you works for you. It’s good stuff, no better and no worse than other areas of intellectual acuity.