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Aliens, North Korea, Obamacare, Hurricanes and Football – Audio TidBits Podcast

The Aliens Amongst Us are using the AAU feed for their own purposes. They want to be sure that all humans are subscribing to the Aliens Amongst Us feed and know they can subscribe directly from their podcatcher or on Apple Podcast (iTunes) or Google Play. They don’t mention that anyone can also subscribe on


They quickly connect to their home planet and share their most recent experiences and observations. In this transmission, they focus on the Presidents talk to the United Nations, the conflict with North Korea, the lack of progress with the plan to repeal Obamacare, the hurricane in Porto Rico, and the controversy around the players not standing for the National Anthem. They also see it as unlikely that humans will be visiting their home planet unless they transport some humans back to their planet. They express their view on the likelihood of that. Please listen and get caught up on the Aliens Amongst Us and their activities.