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Aliens: Reds vs. Blues in the Capital City – Audio TidBits Podcast

I’m just down the block from the JLXX newsroom where the Capital City is back to normal after last night’s kerfuffle. Most of the Capital’s citizens are busily taking care of business with little notice of the disruption. It’s just status quo for them.


You can hear the usual hustle bustle with everyone having things to do and places to go. It’s just another day in the city.


Since the egg heads figured out how to keep the battle going without drawing more than a little blood, the red and blue forces can duke it out without interfering with the life of the city. Back when actual citizens were collateral damage, the red and blue thugs were more of a focus for the public but now it appears that almost no one much cares what the Capital City Leader and the reds and blues from the hill do so long as they just keep attacking each other.


Skip, I think you can hear the battle going on out there in the distance. Some of the action gets up this way now and then but mostly it stays out there where regular citizens don’t have to be bothered with it. You may be old enough to remember when the reds and blues worked things out in smoke filled back rooms but come to think about it, neither of us is that old.


I suspect the good old days are gone and aren’t coming back anytime soon. The shoot out just goes on and on.


It’s good that normal humans don’t have to understand what the deal is, or deal isn’t as things actually stand right now. The reds and blues along with the leader in the Capital City all claim that they are pro dreamers and don’t think the dreamers should get kicked out of the country, especially since this is their home and they don’t have another home to go to. Even so, they are bickering about whether the dreamers go or stay. The twist is that the dreamers have become a chip in the political poker game. Either that or they are the current best excuse for continuing the battle we hear out there.


The Capital City leader is digging in for his wall intended to shut off illegal immigration from and through Mexico. It’s his big chip in the game. He says Mexico will pay for the wall but we haven’t found any reds or blues who are all in on the wall although there may well be some. It’s hard to see why the blues don’t just call the bet. Just give the Capital City leader his wall and give in on the immigration rules some. Take him up on his offer to trade those concessions for the dreamers, children’s health insurance, and whatever else the blues can get. It’s just a onetime give of twenty billion or so. If the Capital City Leader can handle having most of the world laughing at him, why should the blues care.


It sure seems like the blues are digging in as much as the reds. So far, the shutdown isn’t too noticeable but will get more obvious if it goes on for a while. It does appear that the battle has picked up some and is definitely getting more explosive. Even so, business is business and can’t be bothered by anything no more consequential than a government shutdown. It is fueling the battle though. If we look very closely, we should see an uptick in broken pointer fingers.


Unless you have some real news Skip, let’s just keep it here for a few while we enjoy the calm city with the raging battle as a backdrop. The reds and blues are seriously going at each other. They are by far the most exciting pro teams in the city. It is great sport.


I suggest we just let this run for a few and then kick it over to the tune smiths for an interlude from the home planet. It will be good for all of us to relax and get our minds and attention away from the battle still raging out there.


Thanks Skip. I am out of here.