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Blind How Basics

Blind How Basics


Blind How ( is
produced by Gary Crow, Ph.D. who has been blind since birth and has extensive
experience in mental health and child welfare administration, has spoken and trained
internationally, and has written numerous articles, books for adults and
children, and training guides. Most significantly, Gary knows how to succeed
without being able to see and values the chance to share his experience and
insights with you.


Social Context


Why might Blind
How … The Basics interest you?


• You
can't see and are looking for some tips and suggestions for how to do what you
want to do.


• You
spend time with someone who can't see and want some tips and suggestions for
how to be more helpful.


• You
are curious about how people who can't see are able to do what they do.


• You
want to know more about what people who can't see can do to succeed in a world
where most everyone else can see.


• You
want to start with the basics, tips for folks who don't know much of anything
about how to live a full life without being able to see.


• You
want to expand your understanding gradually to include more opportunities and
options for doing whatever you hope to do, when you can't see.


If I
tell you that I am blind, what comes to mind? Now if I simply tell you that I
can't see, how does the picture in your mind's eye change? Likely the change is


point is that telling someone that I'm blind seems to bring to mind a mixed bag
of ideas and emotions about what that means in general and about me
specifically. For the most part, people think about what I can't do, causing
them to feel sorry for me. Of course, not everyone is so limited in their
understanding, but most are.


instead I tell them that I can't see, people are frequently not sure what to do
or what to say. This is good news for me. They are then focused on what they
should say or do next and not on ideas and notions they have about blind people
that may be true, but often aren't true for me - or for most blind people for
that matter.


Blind How … The Basics, I share tips about things I have done and can do. If
you or someone you know can't see, the tips may be helpful. If you can see,
they may help you get a better handle when hanging out with people who can't
see. I hope the tips and discussion also help you be slower to pre-judge what
people can and cannot do just because they can't see.


that has us in sync with the purpose of Blind How … The Basics and how it
works, let's get on with it.