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Child Protection: Family-Centered?

This episode focuses on child welfare practice and is a deviation from the usual content of the Audio Tidbits Podcast. I was recently discussing child protection practice with some friends who are still practicing. Although I have not practiced for a few years, I was struck by their commitment to family centered practice.


When I retired from practice, I was convinced that a child centered model best served the interest of abused and neglected children. Even then that was a minority point of view. In the conversation with my friends, their perspective was still not persuasive for me.


I have thus retrieved a paper I wrote about ten years ago and am sharing it here. As I reconsider the paper, I continue to think that all things considered, a child centered approach to protecting abused and neglected children is still preferable to the family centered model as I understand it.


If you find this type of discussion interesting, I leave it to you to come to your own conclusion. If it is not of interest to you, be assured that the next episode of the Audio Tidbits Podcast will return to the type of content you have come to enjoy.