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Just Because You’re Blind

Should or May


As a blind person, I am told that I should be an advocate for other blind people and for accessible services and technology. What are the pros and cons of this position?

As an advocate for other blind people and for accessible services and technology, there are both pros and cons to consider.



– You can be a voice for the blind community and raise awareness about their needs, rights and issues they face

– You can work towards creating a more inclusive and accessible environment for blind people

– You can help shape policies and regulations by advocating to lawmakers and government officials

– You can build a sense of community and support among blind individuals and their families



– Advocacy work can be time-consuming and emotionally draining, and may require significant effort to see visible results

– You may face opposition or criticism from people who don’t understand or value the importance of accessible services and technology for blind people

– Depending on the scale of your advocacy work, there may be legal and financial implications that you need to consider

– Being a public advocate can also bring unwanted attention and scrutiny to your personal life.


Ultimately, being an advocate for other blind people and for accessible services and technology can be a rewarding and impactful way to make a difference in the world. However, it’s important to carefully consider both the benefits and challenges before taking on the role.

Should I advocate for blindness issues just because I am a blind person. Is it a responsibility or a choice?

Advocating for blindness issues as a blind person is a personal choice rather than a responsibility. While it’s true that blind individuals face unique challenges and often have valuable insights and perspectives to share, not all blind people may feel inclined or equipped to engage in advocacy work.


That being said, being an advocate for blindness issues can be a way to advance the cause of accessibility and inclusion for yourself and other blind people. It can also be a way to build a sense of community and support among blind individuals and their families.


Ultimately, whether or not you choose to advocate for blindness issues is up to you. If you do decide to engage in advocacy work, it’s important to approach it in a way that feels meaningful and sustainable for you, whether that’s through direct action, community building, policy work, or other means.

If I choose to advocate, what are the 10 most important points I should be making.

As an advocate for blindness issues, here are ten important points to consider making:


  1. Accessible education: Blind individuals should have equal access to education and be provided with the necessary accommodations to succeed academically.


  1. Employment: Blind individuals should have equal opportunities to work, and workplaces should be made accessible to people of all abilities.


  1. Accessibility: Blind individuals should be able to access essential services and technologies, such as transportation, communication, and information, in an accessible and equitable way.


  1. Inclusion: Blind individuals should be included in all aspects of society and should not face discrimination or exclusion based on their disability.


  1. Training and skills development: Blind individuals should have opportunities to gain skills and training to overcome barriers they face in the workplace, in education, and in their personal lives.


  1. Research and innovation: There should be ongoing research and innovation to improve the quality of life for blind individuals, including advancements in technology and accessibility.


  1. Advocacy and representation: Blind individuals and their families should have access to advocacy and representation to ensure that their rights and needs are addressed at all levels of society.


  1. Independent living: Blind individuals should be able to live independently and have access to resources and support to do so.


  1. Disability awareness: There should be increased disability awareness and understanding in society to reduce stigma and eliminate discrimination against blind individuals.


  1. Intersectionality: The experiences of blind individuals are shaped by factors such as race, gender, sexuality, and socio-economic status, and advocacy efforts should take into account these intersections of identity.


These are just a few key points to consider when advocating for blindness issues. Depending on the specific context, there may be other important issues to address as well.

What is the role of social media in advocacy and who should be doing the advocacy work?


Social media can play a powerful role in advocacy work. Here are some ways that individuals and organizations can use social media to advance the cause of blindness issues:


  1. Raise awareness: Social media can be a powerful tool for raising awareness about blindness issues, sharing personal stories, and educating the public and policymakers about the barriers faced by blind individuals.


  1. Networking: Social media can be a way to build connections with other advocates, organizations, and individuals who share similar interests and goals.


  1. Mobilizing support: Social media can be used to mobilize support for specific campaigns, initiatives, or legislative actions related to blindness issues.


  1. Crowdfunding: Social media can be used to raise funds for organizations or individuals working on blindness issues.


  1. Access to information: Social media can be used to share resources, disseminate information, and provide updates on the latest research and advocacy efforts related to blindness issues.


When it comes to who should be doing the advocacy work, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. Both individuals and organizations can play important roles in advocating for blindness issues. Blind individuals themselves can be powerful advocates for their own needs, sharing their stories and experiences to raise visibility and awareness about blindness issues. Organizations that work with or on behalf of blind individuals can also play a key role in advocating for policy changes, raising awareness and funds, and providing support and resources to the community.


Ultimately, effective advocacy work requires a collaborative effort, with individuals and organizations working together to advance the cause of accessible and equitable societies for people with vision loss.


How should a blind person decide what issues and social problems should get his or her priority?


Deciding which issues and social problems to prioritize as a blind person can be a personal and nuanced decision, and will depend on a variety of factors including your personal experience, interests, and the needs of the blind community you are part of. Here are a few general considerations that you may find helpful:


  1. Personal experience: Based on your own personal experience, you may have a particular interest in advocating for specific issues that affect you or people close to you, such as access to education and employment, independent living, or accessibility in public spaces.


  1. Community needs: Consider the needs of the blind community you are part of, and the issues that affect them most. Blind individuals experience a range of unique challenges and barriers, so think about the issues that have the greatest impact on the lives of those around you.


  1. Impact: Consider the potential impact of your advocacy work. Some issues, such as access to education or employment, may have a larger impact on the lives of blind individuals than others.


  1. Intersectionality: Depending on your identity and the communities you are part of, you may also want to consider the intersectionality of the issues you are advocating for. For example, issues of race, gender, sexuality, and socio-economic status may intersect with issues of blindness, and it’s important to consider these intersections in your advocacy work.


  1. Systemic change: Consider whether the issues you are advocating for have potential for systemic change, such as changes in policies, regulations or attitudes, which could lead to long-term and widespread impact for the blind community.


Ultimately, deciding which issues to prioritize will depend on your individual circumstances and goals, and it’s important to engage in advocacy work that feels meaningful and sustainable for you.


How should we perceive blind people who do not want to invest their time and energy in advocating for blindness and blindness issues?


It’s important to recognize that everyone has their own individual interests, passions, and priorities, and it’s not necessarily the responsibility of every blind person to engage in advocacy work related to blindness issues if they don’t want to. Blind individuals may choose to pursue other personal or professional interests, or may find other ways to contribute to society that don’t specifically relate to blindness issues.


It’s also important to remember that advocating for blindness issues can be a challenging and time-consuming endeavor, and not everyone may feel equipped to take on this kind of work. Blind individuals may be facing personal struggles or challenges that make it difficult for them to prioritize advocacy work.


Rather than judging or stigmatizing individuals who choose not to engage in advocacy work, it’s important to respect their individual choices and to create a culture that values the unique contributions of all individuals, regardless of their engagement in advocacy work. Advocacy work should be seen as a way to promote positive change and support individuals in the blind community, and not as an obligation or expectation for all blind individuals.


Now you know so there you go.


For now, be well, do well and do something nice for someone. He or she will appreciate it and you both will have a better day.