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Prompts02: I Spend A Lot Of Time Thinking About…

Today’s prompt is, “I spend a lot of time thinking about ….”

Are you playing along? All you need to do is finish the sentence or perhaps the paragraph. Once done, you are on your way to being a writer.

Sure, I’m giving it a try too. I spend a lot of time thinking about what will make good content for my blog or podcast. I know, I already told you that. Just saying it again does little to help with the transition from thinking to doing. I could easily spend a day or a week thinking about what to write and still come up short. At some point, only thinking about doing something turns into a colossally empty place where there is nothing but thought without substance, intention without product.

I wonder how much of our time and energy we invest in just thinking about what we want to do, what we should have done, or what we will do later today or get around to tomorrow or perhaps next week. Okay, I admit to that little avoidance tactic. I’m trying to pull you into my issue, talking as if you and everyone else shares my problem. That is a little mental trick I try sometimes to convince myself that my issue is just human nature, has nothing to do specifically with me.

Let me rerun that, seeing if I can avoid my little mental deception. I wonder how much of my time and energy I invest in just thinking about what I want to do, what I should have done, or what I will do later today or get around to tomorrow or perhaps next week. When I put it that way, the answer is pretty easy. – Way too much.

When I make it personal, when I make the shift from our issue to my issue, I can hear the little voice talking to me. It’s saying, “Get a grip my friend. You may think you are putting one over on everyone else but you’re definitely not putting one over on me. Others may buy into your nonsense, but it doesn’t work with me. You know what the real issue is. You’re afraid to commit. You read about bloggers with thousands of readers, podcasters with thousands of listeners and fear that you will come up short. Get over it. You are already coming up short and spending most of your time thinking about it is assuredly not the way to catch up.”

Wow, my little voice does have a way of cutting to the chase. As usual, he is right on point. The only way to be a writer is to write, the only way to be a podcaster is to podcast, the only way to do anything is to do it. Just thinking about it won’t cut it.

There is another element that I am having difficulty sharing with you. It’s awkward and embarrassing. It’s true that I have been thinking about the thousands of readers I don’t have, the thousands of listeners I don’t have. What I have not been thinking nearly enough about is you. You are reading these words, you are listening to James read these words to you. I’m glad you are here and hope what I have had to say has been worth your time and attention. I must remember that I am doing this for you. The thousands who might read, who might listen are still out there somewhere; but you are here today. Thank you.

As I bring this to some sort of conclusion, I am wondering how much of what I don’t do, don’t get done, don’t pursue is due to spending too much time thinking about the big wins I hope I will have tomorrow and not nearly enough time doing what I can do to get the little wins I can definitely have today.

Thanks for joining me today. Tomorrow will bring another prompt. I’m already curious to discover where it leads me. I hope you choose to join me on the journey. As usual, I have included a little musical interlude for you to enjoy as you think about what you personally spend a lot of time thinking about. May I wish you happy thoughts and hope that your thoughts lead to worthwhile doing.